Sunday, October 6, 2013

Update: Bluetooth-Controlled Arduino Car

After receiving my Bluetooth module a few weeks ago, I've been working on getting it set up with my Arduino board, and finally have a cool video to share with all of you. This video shows a simple plastic platform with two DC motors that are being controlled by an Adafruit motor shield for my Arduino board. The motor shield also has two ports open to receive and transmit Bluetooth signals, respectively. The Arduino board is programmed to perform a set of basic actions depending on which command, '1' through '5', that I send it. My next project is to write up a Glass app that takes in the motion of the wearer's head and translates that into movement commends for the car. Hope you enjoy the video.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve, great work, what is the latest on your project? Occupational therapy student investigating the benefits of google glass apps for people who use wheelchairs.
